Saturday, December 10, 2011

Economic Policy Stance of Tanzania

The Government of Tanzania under the leadership of HE President Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete (popularly referred to as JK) is committed to the pursuit of sound, consistent and predictable macro-economic policies with low inflation. The policy stance is one of building on the foundations and successes of the 3rd Phase Government (November 1995 - December 2005) and scaling-up implementation and policy targeting more effectively and efficiently with “New Vigour, New Zeal, and New Speed”. Promotion of good governance, adherence to the rule of law, promotion of private sector development and opening-up new areas with high economic potential are some of the key issues of the 4th Phase Government. Expansion ofinvestments, job creation, export expansion, value addition chains and scaling-up on human capital development are consequent and complementary actions within the policy stance.

Principal Government Officials
President - Jakaya Kikwete
Vice President - Mohamed Gharib Bilal
Prime Minister - Mizengo Kayanza Peter Pinda
President of Zanzibar - Ali Mohamed Shein
Minister of Foreign Affairs - Bernard Membe
Ambassador to the United States - Mwanaidi Sinare Maajar

President Jakaya Mrisho Kkwete


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